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Talents - All-female powered

Main skills
Main skills
Main skills

Storyline idea

INTRO: Antarctica landscape, wildlife, stillness. Introducing «Antarctica,
the last wilderness on earth», build momentum to mention the issue with voice-over theme for the entire film.

The adventure begins in an apartment, packing the gear for the expedition.
Introducing the main character Béa (Why make the journey in Antarctica, the purpose of the trip)

Ushuaia: Drone shots of Argentina landscape, meeting with the team,
the educational journey starts, local culture explored.

Behind the scene drake passage on the boat (showcase sustainable actions on the boat, why this expedition is different and carbon neutral.

Interview of the leaders and landscape of Antarctica. Their life mission.

hike, exploration, zodiac, wildlife observation, leadership workshops

The takeaway of the educational expedition, how this experience will influence your next decision. Climate change is a global issue, the solutions. Bea becomes a leader for sustainable future and begins her journey to empower other

Meet up with the women creator squad, concept of conscious travels.
Show the culture, the locals perspective. Lead by example and create a positive change along their adventure

Exploration to Patagonia starts. Trekkings in the mountains. Perspective of local people.

Observation of the crew an why conscious travels is different than fast tourism.

Perspectives on environment issues and solutions to inspire/empower a positive change.

Main sponsor

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Deliverables - Videos and photos

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